Looking for the secret for perfect skin and a radiant complexion?
Performed once or twice a week, a scrub eliminates dead cells and activates microcirculation.

Why use and exfoliant?
With pollution, hard waters and sebum (the oily film secreted naturally byt the skin) the skin becomes dull and the pores of the epidermis become clogged. To acheive a radiant face, it is necessary to exfoliate regularly. After having exfoliated your face, we uncover a very soft, smooth, and luminous skin. This type of care can be done once or twice a week or every 15 days (depending on your skin type). Beyond that, there is a risk of weakening the epidermis, since the hydrolipidic film that protects the skin from external aggression must not be irritated.

What is a scrub?
As the name suggests, a scrub is done to find a new skin. It is an essential care element to eliminate dead skin. Thus, the skin can breathe better, and the cells are able to regenrate faster. Unfourtunately, we often tend to skip this step of our skin care routine. Yet, it only takes 5 minutes each week to find a radiant complexion!
Exfoliating products exist in several forms : some exert a mechanical action, where others exert a chemical action. Grain scrubs are the best known, but we can also find scrubs without grains (such as the face scrub without grains of the Sothys brand with jasmine extract for sensitive skin). They are usually composed of a gel or cream base and an exfoliating agent : rice powder, silica, seeds or fruit stones, grains of sand, or even fine salt. In addition to giving the skin a boost, a scrub promotes the effectiveness of moisturizing and nourishing creams. They penetrate more easily into the epidermis. Like the face, the body must also be scrubbed regularly to tone and acheive a firmer skin.

Our advice Sothys :
1. Jelly exfoliating face : Gentle grain scrub with the magic texture that turns from gel to oil and then milk. Skin type : mixed to oily skin. Active ingredient : White Tea Extract. Gently exfoliates to eliminate dead cells and promote skin renewal. Leaves the skin clear and velvety.
2. Exfoliating scrub : Original Sothys fomula without grain with jasmin extract to gently remove dead skin and renews cells. Skin type : all skin types. Active ingredients : jasmin extract to soften the skin and kaolin powder, rice starch, and almond flour to clear the dead skin. The complexion is clear and the skin becomes smoother and softer.
3. Facial grain scrub : A simple scrub to use to reveal a clear complexion. Skin type : all skin types. Active ingredients : shea oil to nourish, soften, and smoothen the skin, and rice powder and circular silica beads to eliminate dead skin cells and soften the skin. Gently eliminates dead skin, refines the skins texture, clears the skins complexion, and leaves the skin very comfortable.
4. Deep cleansers : Desquacrem Sothys and Desquacream Sothys Strong (with salicylic acid and rice grains). Desquacrem : Cleanses the skin deeply to get rid of all the skins most stubborn impurities. Skin type : all skin types. Active ingredients : for the desquacream : gysophile extract to soften and lipoaminoacids to clean. These ingredients help to free the skin of impurities that arise naturally : sweat, excess of sebum, etc. Desquacrem strong : Enhanced action! The brands signature deep cleanser has been boosted with salicylic acid and micro grains of rice to combine deep pore cleansing and exfoliating action. Skin type : all skin types. Active ingredients : 2% Salicylic acid to eliminate dead skin, purify pores and even out complexion. Micro-grains of rice is a mechanic exfoliater. Lipoaminoacids gently clean and soften the skin. Gypsophile extract for softened skin. It is ideal for normal, mixed to oily, asphyxiated, thickened, aging or skin with pigmentation irregularities.

How to apply it?
The face scrub is perfromed on clean (remove makeup) and wet skin for a better application. Take a small amount of product and apply it by making circular movements, without rubbing (you could irritate the skin), to clean the dead cells. Proceed from the inside to the outside of the face, not forgetting the neck and chest.
Then rinse with warm water using a washcloth or a cotton disc. Above all, remeber to moisturize your skin after scrubbing, because it is bare and defensless against external attacks. The application of a moisturizer allows you to restore a pretective film.

How often do you scrub?
On normal skin, we advise you to do a face scrub once a week. If your skin is rather dry and reactive, a scrub every 15 days is enough, if you have oily skin, it is recommended to do two a week.

For a free consultation, or to make an appointment with our experts in medical-aesthetics, call us at 438 380-6818