Cellulite is actually a cluster of classic fat cells, but whose storage capacity is saturated. They will thus block the circulation of liquids, and in particular the lymph, one of whose roles is to transport the toxins to organs capable of treating them. The toxins can not be evacuated, they will accumulate and create inflammation in the areas concerned. This will reinforce the swelling already felt because of poor circulation. One of the other unpleasant consequences is aesthetic: the skin, also compressed by this inflammatory phenomenon, loses its elasticity. It then adopts the famous orange peel appearance characteristic of the presence of cellulite. What we see on the outside is only a reflection of the disorders.


Cellulite is the result of the combination of several factors:
• Genetics: Some people have an imbalance between lipolysis (fat melting) and lipogenesis (storage).
• Hormonal: It is the balance between estrogen and progesterone that decides the distribution of fat in the body: each episode of hormonal life (puberty, pregnancy, taking contraceptive …) causes variations.
• Circulatory: The more poor blood and lymphatic circulation, the greater the risk of cellulite appearing.
• Food: The amount of food ingested, but also their quality, influences the storage of fat in the body.
• Muscle: The tonicity of the muscles acts to regulate the fat mass.

What are the different types of cellulite?
Knowing your type of cellulite is essential to better eliminate it.

• Fat cellulite: the discreet
How to spot it? Fatty cellulite is seen when you pinch your skin. It is soft and not at all painful.
The causes: a few extra pounds linked to a lack of sports or a natural predisposition to being overweight (corpulence). Indeed, the accumulation of fat cells in the hypodermis (layer under the dermis) prevents the toxins from being eliminated which creates an inflammation. These swellings change the appearance of the skin.
To fight against cellulite fat, it is necessary to accelerate the melting of fats. Beginning with a balanced diet is an essential first step, while practicing a regular sports activity. But specific techniques can help you as a cavitation method with focused ultrasound, shock waves …

• Aqueous cellulite : the visible
How to spot it? Easy, no need to pinch the skin. Aqueous cellulite is visible and quite soft to the touch and is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of heavy legs.
The causes: Aqueous cellulitis is linked to problems with venous and lymphatic circulation, synonymous with water retention. Indeed, when the water absorbed by the body is not properly removed, it accumulates and changes the appearance of the skin and small dimples appear.
If you have developed watery cellulite, you obviously have to favor drainage techniques.

• Fibrous cellulite : the painful
How to spot it? Fibrous cellulite is hard and painful to the touch. Present for ahwile this type is (unfortunately) the most difficult to get rid of.
The causes : a lack of sports, a way of life too sedentary and a diet that gives pride to scrapes rather than vegetables. Over time, the collagen that surrounds the fat cells in the hypodermis hardens and eventually traps the fat under the skin. Result, the cellulite is encrusted.
This encrusted or fibrous cellulite is difficult to eliminate. The most effective methods are invasive. But it is possible to prevent its appearance: some nutrients can indeed help maintain collagen. You have to have a varied diet, with complete proteins, eat meat, fish, seafood or eggs. But also eat fresh: fruits and vegetables to stock up on vitamins.
Several methods can be used to fight against this cellulite. First, customers can follow sessions of Lumicell Wave 6 to soften it and break it. The “lipolaser” can be another solution thereafter. You can also opt for massagetherapy of the body.

You should know that fibrous cellulite is favoured by industrial sugars when consumed in excess: manufactured products, sodas, cakes, chocolate bars … ”
To fight cellulite you have to eat a balanced diet, drink water, play sports, do cellulite treatments (massage palpate-roll, lymphatic drainage, lipocavitation) apply anti-cellulite creams, etc. There are many tips to combat it. But the most important are the foods that cause us this cellulite. You have to know them to avoid them:
• White sugar does not bring us any nutrients. Nowadays, many nutritionists even consider it a poison. It contains so-called empty calories, which contribute to the appearance of cellulite and overweight.
• Refined salt or table salt. It causes water retention and poor blood circulation, which inevitably leads to cellulite.
• Fried foods have a high fat content. In addition, in many cases, they are of poor quality. When you heat up the fat at too high temperatures, they generate toxic substances.
• Alcoholic beverages do not produce cellulite directly. On the other hand, they cause a constriction of the blood vessels in the skin, which aggravates the situation. In addition, they are “empty calories”, which make you fat but do not provide any nutrients!
• Foods made with refined white flour are not easy to digest. They cause an accumulation of toxins in our body, that can then turn into cellulite, or impurities of the skin, etc. In addition, these foods cause constipation. That’s why we recommend avoiding bread and white flour.
• Bad food in general (pastries, hamburgers, fries, sandwiches, sauces, pre-cooked dishes, etc.) combines the majority of harmful ingredients for cellulite. It contains refined flour, sugars, refined salt, and processed fats, which are extremely harmful to our body.
Any physical activity practiced regularly helps fight against the accumulation of fat. To reduce the appearance of cellulite, it is recommended to target a sports activity that will particularly solicit the thighs, hips, buttocks, arms or abdominal belt. Swimming, Pilates, bodybuilding, cycling and water aerobics are some examples. They will help strengthen the body, whether at home or in the gym!
Medico-esthetic treatments against cellulite: it is possible to treat cellulite thanks to the technologies of the hour in aesthetic medicine without surgery. These include the Lumicell Wave 6 treatment, which combines 4 technologies (palpating-rolling with infra-red that releases lymphatic blockages and activates blood circulation, ultrasound sending a million vibrations per second, radiofrequency that stimulates the synthesis of collagen to firm the skin, needle-free meso-aesthetic electrodes that act naturally on soft and hard adipose tissues by propelling amino acids and hyaluronic acids to the targeted areas). After a cure, the appearance of the skin is visibly firmer and smoother. As the results appear gradually, it is important, in anticipation of the summer, to begin treatments early in the spring. You can also use it a few weeks before a trip to the sun. Remember that the results will not be visible overnight, but rather after a month or two.

Other important advice
For effective results, remember to follow the diet and exercise tips at the beginning of the article.
Also, it is also fundamental:
• Avoid tight clothing and high heels.
• Eliminate tobacco and alcohol from your lives as they make circulation worse.
• Fight stress because it interferes with any healing treatment you want to achieve.