Clinique Aesthetic Without Surgery


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Ready to get rid of the signs of aging?

Fighting the signs of aging with the help of our injectable treatments. Without surgery, yes, it is possible. Dr. Kazemi has extensive experience and promotes modern and non-invasive techniques to meet the expectations of our patients.

Hyaluronic acid

injectable treatments

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Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that’s already present in our body. Its action allows the hydration of the skin by capturing water to maintain it within the deep layers of the dermis. Over time, the amount of naturally occurring hyaluronic acid decreases resulting in less hydrated skin where wrinkles start reappering

Aesthetic medicine has a wide range of hyaluronic acid fillerd which vary according to their properties and consistency. The choice is made according to the areas treated and the desired effect, depth and type of skin.

How to Hyaluronic Acid sessions work?
Once the doctor provides a detailed analysis of your face and based on your requests, treatment planning takes place. The product comes in the form of an injectable gel in a ready-to-use syringe. Once placed under the skin, the gel mixes with the tissues, with a visible effect immediately after the session. Wrinkles show an instantly improved appeareance.

Please note that some types of hyaluronic acid gradually load up with water and provide lasting hydration to the skin, providing further improvement within 3 weeks. Depending on the number of areas to be treated, the sessions last between 30 and 45 minutes. Depending on the area and method of injection, lidocaine ointment may be applied before the session. Also, in some cases, the doctor can perform a preliminary additional local anesthesia by injection.

Areas to be treated: frown lines, crow’s feet, ncsogenian furrows, bitterness lines, fine lines around the lips, hand wrinkles, cheekbones, lips, chin contour.

Important: no injectable treatments will be administered to pregnant women or breastfeeding women.

Price: Hyaluronic acid fillers do not all have the same price. Each plan treatment is personalized. A price estimate is always given before the session.


injectable treatments

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Botulinum toxin or Botox is a purified protein of natural origin known worldwide. It acts by targeting muscle relaxation – including contraction which leads to expression lines, thus reducing them and resting the muscles responsible for their formation. This treatment is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their facial expression, especially wrinkles and tension marks. Please note that it is possible to start treatments before the age of 30 for preventive purposes.

How do Botox sessions work?
Once the doctor provides a detailed analysis of your face and based on your requests, treatment planning takes place. Botox is injected in small quantities using a very fine needle according to defined points in the muscles of the areas to be treated. The micro-bumps of physiological serum that appeared at the level of the injection sites are absorbed in 30 minutes. Do not touch or massage it. You can then resume normal activities. Botox naturally resorbs into the body. The effects always last between 6 and 9 months. It is then necessary to renew the gesture in order to maintain the result.

Areas to treat: eyebrow, forehead, wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, chin, neck, jaw.

Important: no injectable treatment will be administered to pregnant women or nursing women.

Price: Botox injections do not all have the same price. Each treatment plan is personalized. An estimate is always given before the session.



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